Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hottest Female Fans of Football 2014

Girls make this beautiful game of football even more beautiful and entertaining.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Things We Pretend to Like

List of Things we pretend to like.

In our life we often pretend to like some thing but actually we dont. Here is a list of such things inspired by the blog

Some of these you might agree and some of these miht not. If you dont agree please write a comment below to say why not

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Kids of the World [HD]

Kids of the World. !!

No matter their cultural background, no matter their economic situation, kids will always find imaginative ways to have fun. Their wild imaginations and magical childhood moments, when captured on camera by talented photographers, can make for truly wonderful photos. These 33 images we collected will prove that childhood can be wonderful no matter where you go.

Many in the Western world fear that technology is making today's children lose touch with nature and with their own creativity, and while there are arguments to be made for the intellectual stimulation that apps and programs for children can bring, there's also something to be said for simply playing with a stick in the mud or chasing dandelion seeds though an open meadow.

For better or worse, the children in these photos seem entirely content making their own fun. For us adults, it's important not to let our world-weary and jaded experience stifle our childish hopefulness and imagination!

Kids all over the world

have the same happyness !

then why as adults we

have to change ? :)

This video is inspired from the blog bored panda.

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10 Things you need to know about iPhone 6

10 Things you need to know about Iphone 6

The iPhone 6 is expected to mark the biggest revision of Apple's smartphone range yet, with a larger display and brand new design rumoured to appear. they will havethis 10 new features. Check them out !!

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

Russian Girlfriend : Dare to have one !!

Russian Girlfriend : Dare to have one !!

This video is inspired from the 9gag blog

The video link is here

Russian girls are very beautiful and Smart, However they can be complecated as they look for strong man, which by defination is confusing. Also they have possesive mentality too.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Funny moments - Football World Cup 2014 : Opening Ceremony

Funny moments - Football World Cup 2014 : Opening Ceremony

This video has some funny moments snapped from the Opening ceremony of the Football World Cup 2014 in Brazil. It was very funny to See the Pitbull pant, the Globe disco ball and wired human trees. The snaps were collected from the following blog.

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

15 Most Powerful Ads Ever published !!

This is a collection of 15 Best published Ads in form of posters or banner. All these ads got great attention from people as result of its success. Here lets have a look and see how we feel about them.

The pictures were collected from the Blog 'Bored Panda' Here is the link

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